
About us

Welcome to OGGI, the epitome of fashion, streetwear, and artistic expression. Founded in July 2022 by Oskar Winter, also known as OGGI, a passionate designer, OGGI is dedicated to inspiring and captivating through clothing, visuals, and music.

At OGGI, we believe in the power of fashion as a form of art. Each meticulously crafted design in our collection is a wearable masterpiece, embodying contemporary fashion and street culture. What sets us apart is our commitment to releasing just one collection a year, unlike other brands that frequently launch multiple collections. This deliberate choice allows us to focus on creating a truly remarkable and unique experience.

Central to our creative process is the production of a captivating video, complemented by a script written by OGGI himself. Inspired by his own life experiences and the current inspirations that move him, these videos bring our designs to life, elevating them to another level of artistry. To enhance the visual experience, we collaborate with talented producers to create a bespoke and extraordinary beat specifically for each video.

At OGGI, we don't set limits on our brand. We are constantly exploring new avenues and pushing boundaries. As we evolve, we may even venture into other creative realms, such as dropping a song or producing a movie alongside a collection. Our commitment to learning and improving extends to every aspect of our business, ensuring that we consistently deliver excellence.

Immerse yourself in the world of OGGI as you explore our online store. Whether you seek a distinctive streetwear piece to make a statement or desire to be inspired by the fusion of fashion, art, and music, OGGI is your destination. Join us on this artistic journey, where the possibilities are endless, and discover the power of fashion to inspire, create, and transform.

Thank you for choosing OGGI. We are thrilled to have you as part of our creative community.

  • OGGI and the OGGI Team

Quality first

We started making the products we wanted to see in the world and we did this with an uncompromising approach to sustainability.

Humble beginnings

Our story begins in a small shop with a small team. With nothing but passion and a dream our brand was born.

Free returns

Returns within 30 days receive a full refund.

Worldwide shipping

Ship anywhere, rates available at checkout.

24/7 support

Call us anytime at 1(800) 555-1234.